Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vodafone Sends Out Invites For Smartphone Night

By Benedict Wee

If you've signed up for pre-launch iphone 3GS notifications from Vodafone then you might have received an invitation to spend an evening with the smartphones they are currently selling:

As you have told us you are interested in the Apple iPhone, we would love you to come to our Get Smart evening so we can show you the latest smart phones. From Apple to Blackberry, HTC and Nokia, and we’ll also showcase the cool 3G Netbook and Vodem sticks.

There are so many cool things available directly to your mobile phone including Internet, email, maps, GPS, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. So, we thought it was a about time we hosted a bit of 'show and tell' where you can play with some of our leading smart phones and see things in action.

We will have our product experts on hand to give you demonstrations plus some nibbles so you can munch while you play!

If you have been contemplating getting a smartphone or smart device from Vodafone, we have a SPECIAL deal just for you on the night!

See you there!

The team at Vodafone Retail

It doesn't sound impressive unfortunately. There are no signs indicating that they'll be introducing any new models as the email suggests that they'll just be peddling old smartphones, 3G netbooks and Vodem sticks, relegating the night to nothing but a "late-night-shopping-at-one-store-with-finger food" event.

I'm also betting the SPECIAL deals that they'll be offering aren't something to write home about either.

The smartphone evening will be held on the 30th September (Wednesday?!) in the 3 major cities of New Zealand and will last for about 90 minutes.

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